Are you prepared to invest to lift the 'realised value' of your strategy by more than 20%? The simple truth is that this 'extra' value is usually accessible through better execution!
Strategy execution remains an elusive challenge for businesses. The research consistently shows businesses typically capture only about 60-65% of the value of their strategies: the rest fails to materialise.
There are few deals in life we would pursue if we thought we would likely only realise about 2/3rds of the value we were promised.
I recently ran a session on Strategy Execution as part of a broader leadership development program for a global mining company … their feedback (click here to see) encouraged me to offer this in a stand-alone workshop format available to other clients.
The program offers practical guidance on: translating the strategy into an executable plan; the key elements of successful execution; and how to break down the barriers which block successful execution. More details of the program can be downloaded here.
Overcome the status quo bias: make a decision to do something different! It's a small investment with the potential to deliver substantial upside.
Contact me ( to discuss how the program can be tailored to meet your needs.