Is your strategy compelling?

In my regular MBA teaching session on strategy execution, I offer 7 principles that underpin execution.  Number 1 on the list: start with a compelling strategy.  It might seem obvious, but can you, hand on heart, declare your strategy is ‘compelling’?  

Fortune magazine once reported 82% of CEO’s believed their strategic planning was effective, but only 14% were happy with execution.  Don’t believe that narrative.  Remember, 80% of us think we’re better than average drivers.  Perhaps if their strategies were better, the execution performance[1] would be much better?  McKinsey data indicates that executives increasingly recognise their companies are creating sub-standard strategies. 

So, if a compelling strategy is the foundation for great execution – which is an Achilles heel for most companies – and most companies fall short on this measure, what can we do?

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The Board/Executive strategy workshop - a practise note

Henry Mintzberg wrote 25 years ago: we need better practice, not neater theories.  Amen to that.  Much of the writing on the ‘formal strategy process’ ignore the practical reality that strategies have a life cycle.  Twenty years ago Gary Hamel observed strategies decay for four reasons: replication; supplantation; exhaustion; evisceration (but that’s another blog).  The point is, strategies have a life cycle, and the process has to reflect that context. 

This blog highlights some elements of a recent Board/Executive strategy workshop, with about 20 people in the room (it is a large board).  It followed a deep, fundamental, strategic review and workshop I led about 12 months prior in a workshop that involved the board, the CEO and one other executive. 

Thus, the purpose of this recent workshop was not a re-examination of the strategy: the strategic direction was clear and agreed.  A few things had changed in the external environment since the prior workshop.  Whilst this had caused the sequencing and prioritisation of some of the strategic initiatives to be adjusted, it wasn’t a case of a wholesale review.  With a nod to the former UK Prime Minister Harold Macmillan: what was the greatest strategic challenge of the CEO – “events dear boy, events”.

The purpose of this workshop was a chance for the board to hear from the executive on the implementation program, check alignment, and provide feedback to the executive. 

My bias in any strategy process is toward conversations.  Great strategies are rarely discovered primarily through analytics (thank you Jeanne Liedtka), but through conversation, action and reflection.  The quality of the conversations is a one indicator of the likely success of your strategy – not just in ‘design’ but in execution.   

Given this brief, what were some of the design features?

§  Early engagement with the executive to shape the content and messaging.  What does the board need to know[1]?  What do you want the conversation to be about?    When you are the executive immersed deeply in the content, it is sometimes hard to lift yourself out of the detail. 

§  Be clear about what you want from the Board?  Sometimes you just need them to be aware of strategic context.  But sometimes you need them to make a call, or at least give you some directional guidance. Are they happy with the pace and direction?  Design with intent. 

§  Bring the board into the conversation early.  We began with a simple question: how do you feel as we start our day?  This brought some real energy into the room.  And there was strong alignment from the outset – more than I anticipated. 

§  Drawing out the input from across the board.  With a large board, it is too easy for some to sit back.  You need engage individuals, directly invite them to contribute.  Sometimes you want to provoke.  My role isn’t to simply make sure everyone is being polite.  I want to know the issues are being surfaced, and challenging views are given voice. 

§  Synthesis.  Often as facilitator we add value by synthesising the conversations as they progress.   At this workshop I particularly wanted to board to ‘own’ the outcomes of the conversation.  And so at the end of the day I called on a few of the key influencers to offer their synthesis.  At times I would build on their comments to connect the different threads. 

In the wrap up, many of the board members commented on the strength of alignment.  Clarity of direction – alignment – is more than many organisations achieve.  As Richard Rumelt [Good Strategy, Bad Strategy] observed: 

“an organisation’s greatest challenge may not be external threats or opportunities, but instead the effects of entropy [a measure of the degree of disorder in a system] and inertia”

One of the more vocal and challenging board members commented: “I’m even more energised than I was this morning; it was a great result”.  That’s a win!

[1] If you’re not familiar with it, check out Minto’s pyramid.

Let's talk about purpose: One community, one shadow

Have you sometimes found yourself confused at best, frustrated or cynical at worst, by the vagaries of ‘mission, vision, values’?  CEO’s lament the confusion of language around these constructs. And ‘consumers’ lament of the disconnect between the words and their observations. Daniel Pink refers to transcendent purpose.  He also observed: when the profit motive gets unmoored from the purpose motive, bad things happen. Banking Royal Commission anyone?

This blog unpacks one model for ‘visioning’ and makes the case for junking most corporate value statements. And I offer an approach to ‘purpose’. For me, the test of purpose is: authenticity; emotional connection; and open conversation.

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MBA's, strategy and judgement

Why do we teach the various models and concepts of strategy?  Is it as simple as Lewin's aphorism: there is nothing so practical as a good theory?  Actually, it is much more than that.  At its core we are teaching judgement; or at least, providing tools that will enhance judgement.  

But what is judgement?  What does it look like in action?

To finish I offer my own simple mantra for a great strategy process: immersion; synthesis; simplification.  

DDB ... a strategist's view

PS: to my regular readers, my apologies. It has been too long.  But in the last couple of months I've been teaching multiple MBA programs; working with a CEO to develop their strategy; and travelling to KL for some leadership development programs on strategy execution.  And more.  

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I feel the need, the need for speed ...

Most of us think about decision quality - making the right call - when we think about strategic decision making.  But it turns out speed is also vitally important.  More CEO's are ousted for indecisiveness than for wrong decisions.  Too many companies know that they are slow, but don't know what to do about it.  

Jeff Bezos, Amazon's CEO describes their approach to high velocity decision making.  It is predicated on maintaining a Day 1 mindset.  ‘Day 2’ companies make high quality decisions, but they make them slowly.  For Bezos, Day 2 is stasis, followed by irrelevance and excruciating, painful decline. 

Are you a Day 1 company?  What does your extended leadership team think?  And what practices can you put in place to accelerate decision speed in your organisation?  

DDB ... a strategist's view

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Opening minds ... thinking differently

Strategy is ultimately an expression of collective mental models.  To create a strategy that is more than ‘mere incrementalism’ we must therefore create new mental models.  But the idea that people can just 'think differently' is delusional.  We need build into our strategy processes something that makes this real.  

Scenario planning is one such tool.  It exposes us to alternate plausible futures which we ‘experience’ through the scenario narrative: it is through storytelling that we make sense of events.  And in turn it is this ‘experience’ that shifts our mental models.

What are the possible triggers for using scenario thinking?  And does the evidence support the notion that scenarios are more than just a neat story telling trick?

DDB ... a strategist's view

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Brexit surprised. Trump shocked. A strategist’s view

I am often asked: ‘when should you conduct a major strategic review’?  There are various catalysts for a deeper strategic review: a new CEO; serial underperformance; business model disruption; major external shocks.  Brexit should have been a catalyst for a process of deeper strategic reflection within most enterprises.  Post the Brexit decision if you weren’t running scenarios which contemplate a Trump presidency as part of a broader geopolitical shift you were gambling on a status quo potentially under threat.  The next step in that narrative has now unfolded.  Post Brexit it was no great stretch to imagine a Trump presidency. 

But what does this mean for business?  The reality is no-one knows. But in a VUCA world, scenario planning is the best tool to prepare your organisation for what may lay ahead. 

Note: this is a slightly longer blog than usual (ca. 5 mins)

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Apparently mining blew the boom ... but who's the greater fool?

The headlines scream at you: major miners blew the boom.  It is true they repeated the patterns of all commodity booms.  But are we guilty of playing Monday morning quarterback?  What might they have done differently?

And what about shareholder value?  When did we lose sight of the value part of the equation?  And who was the greater fool?

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Strategy's fundamentals ... better practice, not neater theory

Henry Mintzberg was right when he declared ‘we need better practice, not neater theories’.  Three theoretical paradigms provide an overarching framework for strategic thinking.   And these were part of the economics discourse more than 50 years ago.  But any one of these by themselves is insufficient.  

It is the overlay of the insights from these three paradigms that create the case for change and that shape the strategic option space for an organisation.  Organisations can improve the quality of their strategic thinking by applying these frameworks with a combination of discipline and creativity.  

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The cost of presumptions - international case studies

At their most dangerous presumptions are assumptions that are accepted as a ‘social fact’.  This makes them more dangerous than assumptions.  Assumptions should be explicitly identified and can be tested.  But we remain blind to our own presumptions. 

The risk of presumptions is everywhere around us in the age of disruption, but it exists also in other areas.  Shell lost control of a major project in Russia; Tata had to move the Nano car plant weeks before commissioning.  

Presumptions in both cases turned out to be a very costly.  

What can you do to reduce the unanticipated risk of presumptions?

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Breakout strategy: what if anything were possible?

At its core, strategy is design.  And great design starts with the question: what if anything was possible.  If we start with constraints we get designs for tomorrow that merely tweak today.

What if we applied the same design principle to the strategy process?  This would improve the chance of creating something truly distinctive: a ‘breakout strategy’.

In preparing for a leadership conference Starbucks CEO Howard Schulz argued:

Before we could challenge the status quo, my colleagues and I had to see it in new ways, reframe our existing ideas, and move beyond self-imposed constraints to imagine new possibilities.

How bold are you willing to be  to achieve something truly distinctive?  

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Avoiding Gray Rhinos ... strategic renewal and the status quo trap

Strategic renewal is a fact of life,  While strategies constantly evolve, organisations experience strategic drift either through organisational entropy (the tendency for systems toward increasing disorder) or market and competitive shifts that are no longer reflected in our strategies.  The challenge is to respond to these issues before you reach crisis.  Regrettably, organisations often move too late.  Why?

There are two explanatory factors: a ‘failure to see’ or a ‘failure to move'.  This blog illustrates the power of some of these issues and describes an approach used in a recent workshop to overcome some of these limitations.   

This is part 2 of a three part series of blogs looking at some of the issues at different stages of the strategy life cycle.  To see the earlier blog click here


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